i often find myself searching google to translate some korean words(first language) when i'm writing something about my characters lately. sometimes i have to search for 60% of the words in a sentence!
i just stopped speaking english after 2019 since speaking was just not in curriculums anymore, and my english capability has just declined since then. OR, perhaps it might be because i just have not much time to spend on the internet and grew too old to engage in any kind of ruffles going on in threads, rusting my keybord skills. maybe i might just forget how to read or write english one day. OR, i'm fricking getting brainrot from youtube algorithm.(so i stopped going into youtube)
but seriously, last time i read any thicc(200<pgs) english book was like, 3 years ago. and it's not about waning interests in literature, but about not being able to afford any time to do so! my priority of free time goes to arts, not to thicc books in secondary language that i would have absolutely no one around to discuss about!! when i was young adults would often say, "read more books you won't have time later yadayada,,," and they were right. or i'm aging. i'm 18. i can't imagine what i'll be like when i'm 26.
nahhh i'll be finnnneee. it's not like i have mental illness or somethin
anyways here's the conclusion.
old(18) korean's advice: write stupid things on the internet and fight with absolute strangers about literally anything if you want to keep your english skill tight